Chiquita plantains
Chiquita Plantains: they look like fruit, but eat like veggies!
They look a lot like over-sized bananas with thicker peels, but Chiquita Plantains are usually fried, grilled, or baked in much the same way that you prepare potatoes.
A plantain is not a banana, but a starchy relative that is usually served grilled, baked, boiled or fried in both sweet and savory side dishes. Plantains are available all year round – if you can’t find them at your local grocery store, just ask the produce manager to stock them.
Delicious plantains are a traditional staple food in many tropical cultures. They’re perfect to use at any stage of ripeness when properly prepared, as either a main or side dish, a snack, or a dessert. Learn how to make exciting new plantain recipes, and take your family on a mini-vacation to paradise!
Nutritional facts
Chiquita Plantains are a tasty substitute for traditional root vegetables like carrots and turnips.
Green fruit, or fruit that is just turning yellow, is starchy like a sweet potato and is great for frying. Plantains can be cooked in many ways – just check our recipes to find out what’s recommended at each stage of ripeness.
Serving size 1 medium raw (174 g)
Calories 22
Total fat 0.5 g
Sodium 5 mg
Potassium 890 mg
Total carbohydrate 57 g
Dietary Fiber 4 g
Sugars 10 g
Protein 2 g