Health & Benefits

Healthy snack ideas and tips for working at home

Health & Benefits

April 21st 2020 ・ 5 min reading

With so many of us working from home at the moment, it’s really important to stay fit and motivated with a regular routine and a healthy diet. Chiquita bananas are a great fruit to incorporate into your daily routine. They’re packed with essential vitamins and minerals and their slow-release natural sugars can help fuel your body and mind throughout the day. They’re really the perfect fruit to have stocked up on your kitchen counter for snacking while you’re working! Staying at home can be hard. But sticking to a routine can help keep you sane, motivated and healthy. Check out some of our simple tips and tricks for working at home:

Have a routine

Establishing a regular exercise routine is really important. Set a reminder on your phone for your daily ‘workout’ time. If you have a set schedule for each day, you’re far more likely to stick to it.

Write it down

Writing down your fitness goals can actually make them more achievable by making them more real. Jot down a realistic fitness plan you can stick to – with a list of exercises and the minutes you want to spend on each exercise to keep you on track.

Get out of your pyjamas

Putting on the right clothes simply prepares you for the task ahead. So if you’re going to exercise, get into your workout clothes. If you’re sitting down to start work for the day, get out of those pyjamas. (Unless you sleep for work, and if that’s the case, let us know where we can apply!)

Exercise every day

When we’re stuck at home, it’s important to get out and exercise every day. Even going for a short brisk walk is enough to get that blood flowing and to clear your mind.

Don’t overdo it

If you are new to exercising or restarting exercising after a while, it’s important to ease into it. Remember to increase your intensity gradually to prevent injury.

Set your own goals

Set your own goals based on your fitness level and capabilities. There’s no need to compare your progress with anyone else. Fitness is a very individual and personal journey.

Healthy snack ideas and tips for working at home

Make your own space

If you really can’t leave your house or apartment, designate an area of your home or yard as your workout area. You just need enough room to move around safely. If you’re inside, open a window for some fresh air while you workout.


Remember to drink at least two glasses of water two hours before exercising, and then sip on water every 10-15 minutes while exercising. If your workout is long, you could add a sports drink with electrolytes, or half a Chiquita banana.

Stick to healthy snacks

Working at home and being in close range to the kitchen can lead to overeating! Make sure you stock your fridge with only healthy snacks to eat at home. Chiquita bananas are an excellent choice for healthy snacks for working at home. They don’t require any preparation… just peel and eat!

Get enough sleep

Sleep is an important part of your daily routine. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep at night. If you’re also increasing your daily exercise, getting a bit more sleep at night will be necessary for the body to recover.

We hope you can incorporate some or all of these tips in your daily routine. Working from home, especially for longer periods of time, is not always easy! But with Chiquita bananas as a healthy snack to eat at home, and a bit of routine discipline, you can stay fit, motivated and healthy.


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