Sticker Moments & Campaigns
March 31st 2020 ・ 10 min reading
After the success of Just Smile, the maxi bill-boards campaign that brought smiles around the world in the last two years, Chiquita returns in advertising as of April 2018, with “Always the best choice” the new campaign that plays on the little big daily dilemmas. Developed by Armando Testa the campaign will be aired across different European markets and will include many different channels, from press and billboards to television, from trams/buses to digital, and huge out-of-home presence in some cities during summer.
Fast food or restaurant? Workout or disco? Eating healthy or eating good? The day is full of decision to be made. But is it necessary to choose? Chiquita thinks that there’s always a third option. This is the concept that inspired the multi-subject campaign, developed to describe in a fresh, dynamic and playful way that the Chiquita banana iconic Blue Sticker’s, with its typical smile and great taste, always makes everyone agree. Whatever is the choice of what to do in our everyday life – taking the bus or the bike, eating healthy or eating good, relaxing on the sofa or excising at the gym, drinking apple juice or cider – Chiquita is always the best choice.
The campaign, that will run from April until end of the year, features localizations that highlight culturally relevant topics of every regions of Europe, leveraging food, local iconic places and even vernacular expressions.
The media planning is led by Local Planet, the international network of independent media agencies of which Media Italia (Armando Testa Group), is one of the founding partners.